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Seminar Kaunseling Keluarga 2008


Ramlan Bin Nordin, 1Zubaidah Bt Kassan, 2Mohamed Sharif B Mustaffa
Pusat Kaunseling Dan Kerjaya,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310, Skudai, Johor
1Sek Men Keb Bandar Putra
81000 Kulai, Johor.
2Jabatan Asas Pendidikan
Fakulti Pendidikan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Skudai, Johor.
ram@utm.my, 1zubaidah@yahoo.com, 2mohamed_sharifutm@yahoo.com

Transaksional Analisis (TA) atau lebih dikenali dengan huruf ringkas TA dibina dan dikembangkan oleh Eric Berne pada pertengahan 1950an. Teori TA percaya bahawa ketigatiga’ego state’ wujud dalam diri setiap individu. Psikoanalisis melihat struktur Ego, superego dan Id sebagai konsep hipotetikal. TA percaya kepada struktur trinity PAC wujud dalam satu jasad, maka individu bebas untuk memilih mana- mana satu keadaan ego. Oleh kerana asas teori TA sendiri adalah bermula dari keluarga (‘Parent’ ‘Adult’ dan ‘Child’ (PAC)) maka sewajarnya ia menyediakan berbagai teknik untuk kaunseling keluarga . Pembentukan keadaan ialah ego seseorang melalui pengalaman emosi dan kejadian-kejadian dalam keluarga. Di dalam keluarga juga terbinanya ‘egogram’, ‘stereotyped games’ dan scripts .

Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional
dan Transaksional terhadap Kinerja Guru

STKIP PGRI Jombang, Telp/HP: (0321) 868343/08155040565, Email: munawarohw@yahoo.co.id
Transformational leadership is described as a leadership style that can motivate employees, so it can thrive and achieve at high levels of performance. Transactional leadership is described as a leadership that gives an explanation of what the responsibility of the subordinate and the reward they can expect if the specified standard is achieved. To improve the performance of teachers in SMP Katolik Wijana, Jombang needed a Principal who is able to apply transactional and transformational leadership style. This study aims to determine the effect of these two leadership styles on teacher performance. The method used in this research is survey method is by taking a sample of the population and using a questionnaire as a means of collecting data. After conducting research, the investigator obtain transactional and transformational leadership styles together to have a significant influence on the performance of teachers in SMP Katolik Wijana Jombang, transactional and transformational leadership styles partially have significant influence on the performance of teachers in SMP Katolik Wijana Jombang. Based on the reseach
suggested that head of school and teacher are used transformational leadership that support the realization of optimal organizational performance.